Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training in Sonora

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training
Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora es rica en recursos minerales. MSA training describes Measurement System Analysis - quantifying measurement error help Sonora students avoid making wrong decisions from bad data.
Price $349 / student assuming min. enrollment is met
Duration 1 day
Format In-person, instructor-led slideshow with exercises ending in a test of comprehension.
Materials Each student will receive a 3-ring binder containing color print-outs of the slideshow. Please note, this material and the presentation itself are copyrighted. A Certificate of Completion is released for each student who passes their test and for which payment for the training clears.
Start Day
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About Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training

Who is Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training for?

Quality, Manufacturing, and Product Engineering, plus Continuous Improvement teams are the most common users of measurement system analysis. Internal customer managers, Plant Managers, SQA, and Procurement teams should also understand MSA concepts. So, if your are in or want to be in one of those functions, then MSA training is for you. In our course, Sonora students learn:

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training Course Overview:

Money is wasted when wrong decisions are made from bad data. In factories, good material is wrongfully scrapped. Defective parts are shipped. Wasting money this way extends beyond the factory to transactional processes as well. To avoid it, measurement systems must be analyzed and their error quantified. Our 1-day training equips your team to avoid this waste. It includes:

Accuracy vs. precision.
Calibration and its limitations.
Repeatability and reproducibility.
Destructive testing techniques.
Analysis of variance.
Graphical analysis.
Test for comprehension.


Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora es rica en recursos minerales. Esto ha llevado a una historia de autosuficiencia, en la que muchos se ven a sí mismos como los herederos de una tradición pionera. Mucho de esto está ligado a la tradición vaquera, ya que gran parte de la economía del estado ha estado tradicionalmente ligada a la ganadería. Los sonorenses y otros norteños tienen la reputación de ser trabajadores y frugales. Teniendo en cuenta la industria ganadera tradicional de Sonora, que tiene reputación de calidad, se recomienda disfrutar de un buen bistec. Las tortillas grandes de trigo rellenas de carne de res y queso son populares.



Fast-track your Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training registration by choosing one of our most highly recommended cities below.

Nogales, SO


Read what our students and clients have to say.

Benjamin V.
Benjamin V.


MBBC's GD&T course was at a good level and pace for an engineer out of school and with a good understanding of conventional tolerancing. I appreciated the use of real-life examples.