Supervisor 101 - New Supervisor Training in Sonora

Supervisor 101 - New Supervisor Training
Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora es rica en recursos minerales. Get a crash course in the critical things every new supervisor needs to know.
Price $349
Duration 1 day
Format In-person, instructor-led slideshow with exercises and a quiz to test comprehension.
Materials Each student will receive a 3-ring binder containing print-outs of the slideshow. Assuming satisfactory quiz results graded a few days after class, each student will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Start Day
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About Supervisor 101 - New Supervisor Training

Who is Supervisor 101 - New Supervisor Training for?

New Supervisor training is for any employee new to the role of supervisor or hoping to become a supervisor. In our course, Sonora students learn:

Supervisor 101 - New Supervisor Training Course Overview:

Topics covered include: (1) Legalities of safety, pay, equal opportunity, non-discrimination, and harassment (2) Positivity, developing a work environment that's safe, comfortable, fun, caring, and inclusive; (3) Roles, training, performance metrics, and communication.


Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora es rica en recursos minerales. Esto ha llevado a una historia de autosuficiencia, en la que muchos se ven a sí mismos como los herederos de una tradición pionera. Mucho de esto está ligado a la tradición vaquera, ya que gran parte de la economía del estado ha estado tradicionalmente ligada a la ganadería. Los sonorenses y otros norteños tienen la reputación de ser trabajadores y frugales. Teniendo en cuenta la industria ganadera tradicional de Sonora, que tiene reputación de calidad, se recomienda disfrutar de un buen bistec. Las tortillas grandes de trigo rellenas de carne de res y queso son populares.



Fast-track your Supervisor 101 - New Supervisor Training registration by choosing one of our most highly recommended cities below.

Nogales, SO


Read what our students and clients have to say.

Ben Aldridge
Ben Aldridge
Field Service Support Admin

I had the pleasure of working with our Master Black Belt at our energy tech firm. There, he created an internal mentorship and training program to teach lean/six sigma concepts. The training was made available to employees spread both horizontally and vertically throughout the organization. Executives, managers, assemblers and receptionists alike were soon finding and eliminating waste within their workday. This divide-and-conquer philosophy in executing the continuous improvement program was not only an incredibly efficient way to find and implement cost savings, but also created a culture of empowerment within our organization. Our MBB encouraged all of his students to use these techniques to add value to the organization, in-turn making them more valuable employees.