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MBB Consulting™ - Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training In Nogales, SO

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training In Nogales, SO

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training
Nogales se encuentra en la frontera norte de Sonora. QFD training teaches Nogales students product design and development 'gone right'.
Price $349
Duration 1 day
Format In-person, instructor-led slideshow with exercises and a quiz to test comprehension.
Materials Each student will receive a 3-ring binder containing print-outs of the slideshow. Assuming satisfactory quiz results graded a few days after class, each student will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Class Size3 - 20 students
Start Day
facility match
CityNogales, SO

Recommended Dates

The following dates are recommended because they have a low minimum student requirement, or students are enrolled but not yet enough to hold a class. Please choose a date for your Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training class. Dates are formatted as year-month-day:

All Dates

If none of the recommended dates work with your schedule, that's ok. Please choose a date from the list below:

About Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training

Who is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training for?

Quality Function Deployment Training is for anybody hoping to maximize profitability resulting from the design of their service, process, or product. Sometimes, QFD is referred to as the "House of Quality" because its product planning matrices have the shape of a house. In our course, Nogales students learn:

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training Course Overview:

QFD training describes Quality Function Deployment - product design 'gone right' transforming customer needs into profit maximized launch plans. Far too often, engineers gather among themselves, and pump out designs with zero input from actual customers. The worst example we've seen was $20M spent on developing a pressure-based uninterruptable power supply system that had no market interest. The engineers thought it was a great idea. And technically it was pretty nifty. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to buy it, and it was a complete waste of shareholder dollars. To avoid mistakes like this, our students learn a structured approach to capturing customer needs and translating them into specific plans to produce products to meet those needs.
Customer Needs. Capturing "voice of the customer" (VOC) through direct discussion or interviews, surveys, focus groups, customer specifications, observation, warranty data, field reports, etc.

Product Planning. Constructing a matrix to translate general customer "what's" into more specific engineering "how's" being product requirements or technical characteristics to satisfy the needs.

Part Deployment. Cascading assembly-level requirements down to the component level.

Process Planning. Evaluating candidate manufacturing processes and choosing processes to make each part.

Quality Control. Defining process control plans to assure retention of capability throughout each part's production.


Excellent choice! Por su ubicación, Nogales es uno de los puertos de entrada más importantes para los turistas de los Estados Unidos. Su zona centro está conformada por bares, hoteles, restaurantes y una gran cantidad de tiendas de curiosidades, las cuales venden una gran variedad de artesanías traídas del centro y sur de México. Los platos locales comúnmente disponibles en los restaurantes incluyen enchiladas, tacos, burritos y tamales. Las fábricas manufactureras emplean a un gran porcentaje de la población. La proximidad de Nogales a los Estados Unidos y la abundancia de mano de obra excelente lo convierten en un lugar eficiente para que las empresas extranjeras tengan operaciones de fabricación y ensamblaje.

Nogales, SO


Nuestro sitio de capacitación en Nogales está ubicado justo en el centro, cerca del centro comercial y Walmart.

Maps of Nearby

The following links will open in new tabs so you don't lose your place in the pre-registration process. When you're done checking out all the cool stuff around Nogales, return here to choose a date for your Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training class.


Read what our students and clients have to say.

Srinivas Hatathodi
Srinivas Hatathodi
Owner / Consultant
Lake City Consulting

Our Master Black Belt Instructor was instrumental in getting my department to change the way we think. Achieving success in Lean methods sometimes needs an overhaul of conventional methods and our MBB was the person that can take the concept from an abstract form to reality in the most efficient way possible. The Lean Six Sigma projects that our department conducted helped us reduce costs and streamline our operations.

Jumpei H.
Jumpei H.
Mechanical Engineer
Chemical Manufacturing

Thank you very much for the training. I was able to learn from basic ideas of 5S to form concrete improvement ideas.