datetime_now =2025-02-18T10:19:12
datetime_class =2025-02-21T00:00:00
datetime_diff =110073600
MBB Consulting™ - Powered Industrial Truck Training In Nogales, SO

Powered Industrial Truck Training In Nogales, SO

Powered Industrial Truck Training
Nogales se encuentra en la frontera norte de Sonora. Nogales students learn how to be safe working with and near powered industrial trucks.
Price $349 / student assuming min. enrollment is met
Duration 1 day
Format In-person, instructor-led slideshow with exercises ending in a test of comprehension.
Materials Each student will receive a 3-ring binder containing color print-outs of the slideshow. Please note, this material and the presentation itself are copyrighted. A Certificate of Completion is released for each student who passes their test and for which payment for the training clears.
Start Day
facility match
CityNogales, SO

Recommended Dates

The following dates are recommended because they have a low minimum student requirement, or students are enrolled but not yet enough to hold a class. Please choose a date for your Powered Industrial Truck Training class. Dates are formatted as year-month-day:

All Dates

If none of the recommended dates work with your schedule, that's ok. Please choose a date from the list below:

About Powered Industrial Truck Training

Who is Powered Industrial Truck Training for?

Powered industrial truck training is for anybody operating or working around material handling vehicles including forklifts, tuggers, etc. In our course, Nogales students learn:

Powered Industrial Truck Training Course Overview:

Get forklift certified today in the best training you will ever have.


Excellent choice! Por su ubicación, Nogales es uno de los puertos de entrada más importantes para los turistas de los Estados Unidos. Su zona centro está conformada por bares, hoteles, restaurantes y una gran cantidad de tiendas de curiosidades, las cuales venden una gran variedad de artesanías traídas del centro y sur de México. Los platos locales comúnmente disponibles en los restaurantes incluyen enchiladas, tacos, burritos y tamales. Las fábricas manufactureras emplean a un gran porcentaje de la población. La proximidad de Nogales a los Estados Unidos y la abundancia de mano de obra excelente lo convierten en un lugar eficiente para que las empresas extranjeras tengan operaciones de fabricación y ensamblaje.

Nogales, SO


Nuestro sitio de capacitación en Nogales está ubicado justo en el centro, cerca del centro comercial y Walmart.

Maps of Nearby

The following links will open in new tabs so you don't lose your place in the pre-registration process. When you're done checking out all the cool stuff around Nogales, return here to choose a date for your Powered Industrial Truck Training class.


Read what our students and clients have to say.

Kharina S.
Kharina S.
Manufacturing Engineer

Class was very informative. The DFA worksheet was extremely helpful. The hands on activity was good and it was fun being able to practice what we were learning with our teammates.

Jeff M.
Jeff M.
Director of Operations
Chemical Manufacturing

Great Measurement System Analysis Course! Well presented for practical application.