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MBB Consulting™ - Six Sigma Black Belt Training In Austin, TX

Six Sigma Black Belt Training In Austin, TX

Six Sigma Black Belt Training
Austin is the capital and heart of Texas. Six Sigma Black Belt training gives Austin students a world class improvement arsenal.
Price $3,950 / student assuming min. enrollment is met
Duration 10 days
Format In-person, instructor-led slideshow with exercises ending in a test of comprehension.
Materials Each student will receive a 3-ring binder containing color print-outs of the slideshow. Please note, this material and the presentation itself are copyrighted. A Certificate of Completion is released for each student who passes their test and for which payment for the training clears.
Start Day
facility match
CityAustin, TX

Recommended Dates

The following dates are recommended because they have a low minimum student requirement, or students are enrolled but not yet enough to hold a class. Please choose a date for your Six Sigma Black Belt Training class. Dates are formatted as year-month-day:

All Dates

If none of the recommended dates work with your schedule, that's ok. Please choose a date from the list below:

About Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Who is Six Sigma Black Belt Training for?

Any professional determined to improve their organization, salary, and candidacy for promotion should become a Six Sigma Black Belt. All companies whether providing products or services possess opportunity for improvement as do all functions within those companies. Six Sigma is an organizational excellence system applicable to any product, process, or service. This includes production / manufacturing, materials / logistics, purchasing, maintenance, quality, manufacturing engineering, product engineering, sales, marketing, human resources, IT, and finance. Six Sigma exposes upcoming professionals to managerial tasks they may not otherwise have. And, an increasing number of companies require Six Sigma certification for advancement into managerial roles. In our course, Austin students learn:

Six Sigma Black Belt Training Course Overview:

Six Sigma Black Belt training gives Austin students a full arsenal of world-best improvement powers enhanced with statistical software like Minitab. Six Sigma Black Belt training conveys technical and managerial skills more advanced than the Green Belt level. Technical skills are more complex and intense therefore often computer-aided using software such as Minitab or Excel-based SigmaXL.

What are Black Belt Level Tools?

Our training covers the full Black Belt body of knowledge led by an experienced Master Black Belt who will help you every step of the way.

Define. First, opportunities for improvement must be defined, contained, and rallied around. We make sure that we're working on the right problem and stakeholder understanding is aligned with the mission. Since Kaizen, and 8D are available for small to medium sized improvements, Six Sigma is sometimes reserved for major, breakthrough projects such as a company's top 5 financial initiatives. Projects are always done in teams. Managerial tools used include: project management, cost-benefit analysis, team member selection, team formation, change management, project charters, policy generation usually for creating or updating containment-related work instructions, and training. Technical tools include: trend charts, Pareto charts, Y to X Mapping and other scoping techniques, inspection / testing. Key deliverables include quantifying the problem's annual financial impact, and diminishing the customer's suffering immediately.

Measure. The team must be certain all decisions that follow are made from trustworthy data. The Black Belt level Measurement System Analysis (MSA) tool for this is Gage R&R. Both non-destructive and destructive test methods are presented and reinforced with a fun, hands-on exercise. Click the link to see more detail on this topic.

Analyze. Causes must be found. Many root cause analysis techniques exist: 5 Why's, cause and effect (fishbone or Iskikawa) diagram, fault tree analysis, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), regression, walking the process, etc. And all of these are covered in our training. But, none prove causality like component swapping and Design of Experiments (DOE). While the maximum DOE from our Green Belt course was 3-factor, 2-level full factorial, Black Belts learn fractional factorial plus response surface mapping. DOE training is reinforced by continuing our fun hands-on exercise.

Improve. Causes must be permanently eliminated, which is why you may have heard the phrase, "permanent corrective action". Unfortunately, many folks use this phrase to describe actions with no permanence. Many Corrective Action Request (CAR) and 8D reports contain responses to this question like "retrained the operator" which is usually an insufficient response. The best form of corrective action is error-proofing; some change that literally makes recurrence impossible. Next best would be other physical changes making recurrence extremely unlikely. To help students choose an action, we teach Payoff Matrix, Criteria Matrix, and conduct another cost-benefit analysis to make sure intended actions will reduce total cost. Actions are piloted. If the pilot succeeds, then actions are launched into production.

Control. In the Improve Phase, if error proofing was not possible, then actions must be controlled. Many techniques are covered in training but the signature method is Statistical Process Control (SPC). Several process control chart types are presented to accommodate different data types; attribute data vs. variable data although variable is always recommended. Managerial tools covered include change control, policy writing, training, mentorship, auditing, and supervision.


Silicon Hills - Keep Austin Weird

Excellent choice! Austin was recommended to serve as the capital due to the area's pleasant hills, waterways, and convenience as a crossroads between Galveston, Santa Fe, Mexico, and the Red River. A capital building and granite dam were built to power a street car line. Parks were established. The Texas Oil Boom happened. High-tech semiconductor manufacturing and higher education evolved. Music become prominent. And, Austin has flourished becoming America's 11th, and Texas' 4th largest city by population, and one of America's fastest-growing large cities. As such, many fun after-class options exist including the 6th Street bar scene, music festivals, ballet, museums, the LBJ Presidential Library, shopping, a massive bat colony, and Lake Travis.

Austin, TX
Credit: Daniel Mayer


Our Austin Training Center is situated in a stunning location overlooking a lake in Austin's research corridor. The high quality four-story building stands out, with its fabulous curves of reflective glass and steel set in beautiful lakeland surroundings and verdant, neatly tended landscaped grounds. Inside, the lobby areas feature polished granite floors and wood paneling and there's cardkey control at all entrances and pleasant areas with outdoors seating. Corporate neighbors include some of the biggest names in IT and many hi-tech industries such as semiconductors - drawn by the expert labor force, the accessible location (close to US Hwy 183 and State Hwy 45 for quick access to the Central Business District) and economic growth in the area. The business center is close to many amenities and is a short drive from Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.


Read what our students and clients have to say.

Brian M.
Brian M.
Electrode Production Supervisor

Being very new to auditing, I was nervous coming into the IATF Internal Auditor class. MBBC's trainer was aware of the class's experience and adjusted the training accordingly. Things were explained in depth when needed. I would strongly recommend this class to others.

Doug N.
Doug N.
Field Service Engineer

I strongly recommend MBBC's Lean Lego Game Training to others.